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Rebekah L. | General Manager / Director
It's hard to put into words the profound impact that the pursuit and practice of Weightlessness has had on me. The holistic approach - developing body, mind, and spirit in parallel - yields a fundamental shift in both performance and perspective. The tools and skills of Weightlessness make me stronger, better, and edgier, but at the same time bring peace and freedom at a level I never experienced before. I am still learning...still growing...but I believe that through the pursuit of Weightlessness I am discovering my best self.
"The novice resists. The master floats."
- A Weightlessness Quote -
Michael P. | Venture Builder
As an entrepreneur I have learned that nothing happens when you're comfortable and at ease. I believe that most, if not all great leaps forward are forged in turmoil. With Weightlessness training I have never seen faster fitness results and certainly never been challenged as much. Tom's approach is devoid of hot air and six-minute abs nonsense. He goes well beyond the pure basics of mind and body fitness. He aims not only to restore mental and physical health and balance, but also to lay a foundation for awesome living by top-tuning your most precious resources. The pursuit of Weightlessness is by far the most meaningful conviction I have come across in my life.
Elodie K. | Global Marketing Manager
I've never felt more anchored and grounded, and if I find that starting to slip I know how to get back there. The more I practice Weightlessness the faster I'm able to rebalance myself. Considering all the things I tried before this program to reach that first milestone - which did not work - it's a great achievement for me to finally be autonomous. The program has allowed me to clearly see what's inside me, and gain greater awareness of my thoughts and actions.
I've begun to understand how mind and body work together and I discovered the power of having a concentrated mind. I've learned that I'm far from reaching the limit of this ability, but concentration alone - not to mention all the other facets of training - is improving all other facets of life. It enhances the experience of everything, and allows me take control of my life in an authentic way. I'm also more aware of the behavior of others without judging them, and am at peace with the decisions I make. Weightlessness is a lifestyle with endless possibilities!
Tribe 5
Rich R. | Global Head of Performance
"This Process reveals areas in your life that aren’t stellar, and it’ll make you want to go after those. It was wild... everything started to improve, in less time, with more concentrated effort. If you’re really serious about making gains and committing to it, this is a different game. It’s a game of integrity, a game of rigor, a game of discipline. If you want that edge in life, then do Weightlessness."
Tribes 1 & 4
Sarah A. | Medical Officer
"Weightlessness goes far above and beyond a typical mind/body program. My journey started with the physical gains: I decreased my 1 kilometer run time by 3 minutes, increased my push-ups from 5 to 30, and became 20 pounds lighter... in less than 12 weeks. Then, there were the emotional gains. I found peace and mental clarity amidst deeply buried traumatic memories and learned how to deal with life’s chaos and volatility. Most importantly, I became aware through meditation and the process of self-inquiry, that in every moment of every day, I have the freedom to unburden myself and choose weightlessness." - Read Sarah's Complete Testimonial Here!
Tribes 10 & 11
Amena S. | Innovator & Founder @ Untapped Lab
As a long-time student of mind-body practices, this is hands down the smartest system I’ve come across. Tom cuts out all the dogma, all the excess, all the fluff, and elegantly weaves together a philosophy and protocol that will train you in deep, essential ways. The training itself tested my levels of commitment, fortitude, and adaptability; and the self-study made me a better, more present thinker. If you’re looking for some next level shit to invest in yourself, look no further. I’ve even parked yoga and done Weightlessness programs five times — it IS my yoga and a new way of approaching life. Weightlessness is the future of mind-body peak performance.
Tribes 1 & 6,7,8 & 9
Lindsay D. | Performance Coach
I'm so grateful for whatever synchronistic force led me to the Weightlessness Process and working with Tom. On one level, I thought that I was getting into a process that would help me synthesize and organize my own knowledge and skills into greater effectiveness. I did get that - but much more. I'm fundamentally different in how I approach challenges and discomfort in life. I am far better able to self-regulate my thoughts and emotions (and I thought I was pretty good before!). I'm able to be open and present to what is actually happening in life, and choose how to better bring skillful focus, follow-through, flexibility or sensitivity for whatever response is needed most. I can't wait to continue going deeper into Weightlessness and beyond. Read Lindsay's Full Testimonial Here!
Morten L. | Managing Director
"My latest tribe was truly awesome. The outcomes and insights vastly exceeded those prior. I lost about 40lbs in these 12 weeks, and I’m now at my ideal weight for the first time in 20 years. I ran my first 4 minute kilometer, which was levels above my previous performance, along with deadlifting my bodyweight. Both gave me an enormous boost in personal confidence. The insights and self-awareness gained from meditation were transformative, something I never would have expected. I would recommend this to anybody." - Read Morten's Complete Testimonial Here!
Tribes 9 & 10
Maddy F. | Personal Trainer & Aspiring Healer
"I first reached out to Tom after reading “In Pursuit of Weightlessness.” In that book he told stories of helping people heal from injuries, so I asked if he could help me heal from mine. I got seriously injured while serving in the United States Army. After three months in the program I can run again - even better than I could before my injury. I gained my self-confidence back. I learned to trust in my body’s ability to perform again. If you want to heal; If you want to reconnect mind and body; If you want your own epic anime transformation, reach out to Tom and join a Weightlessness Tribe."
Tribe 12 & 13
James E. | Branding Professional
This is unlike anything I’ve ever done before - possibly the most intense thing I’ve ever been through. My own abilities have change completely, my understanding of my own ability has changed completely. I’ve had to face failure in ways I’ve never had to do before, and I understand what a barrier now means to me. It’s not something I can never get past, it’s something I can find a way through.
Tribe 1
Jonas R. | Business Consultant
2018 was the most challenging year of my life, but I finished it with as much enthusiasm as when I started. Mid year I feared that for the first time in my life I would need to give up my dreams and find immediate work just to pay the bills.
I learned from the Weightlessness process to keep confident, and everyday went out to work even when I didn’t have anything to do. I repeated the process from training - persevere, stay focused, remain strong, breathe, and improve myself! Shortly after the program, life dramatically improved with a new business (and new partners) and a new baby boy - both successes. Without this mind-body structure, staying the course would not have been possible, mainly because my personal life had become so complicated so quickly.
Tribe 8
Nate P. | Translational Scientist
I've moved through phases of body building, competitive endurance sports, yoga, and meditation over the past 20+ years where I've engaged with the pillars of Weightlessness, mostly in isolation and sometimes in pairs. But WOW – putting them all together intentionally and intelligently has been a game-changer. I feel much more EMBODIED – a deeper sense of presence and awareness in moment-to-moment experiences, safe and secure in my body and mind. I've always been a very sensitive person, which has made that sense of presence and safety a challenge for me. Part of my journey in recent years has included a lot of psycho-spiritual work, including progressive psychotherapy methods and a committed personal meditation practice. Stacking those practices with Weightlessness has super-charged my personal development and ability to show up as a leader within my family, community, and work by being able to trust and use my super-powers of sensitivity and vulnerability like never before. I am forever grateful to Tom for integrating these ancient and emerging sources of wisdom into a modern and accessible system that has changed my life.
Tribe 13