Transform, Unburden, Integrate
Mind-Body Performance Coaching
- Weightlessness Training -
by Tom Fazio
Why Weightlessness?
"Life is better when I do it, and it's worse when I don't. Always, and without exception"
- Tom Fazio, after 20 years of practice -
Weightlessness solves problems wholly unresolved by other personal growth and development approaches. It’s possible to have a six pack, and still be depressed. It’s possible to have an advanced degree, and still feel lost for purpose. It’s possible to be wealthy, and still feel weighed down by life.
These promises are illusions, teasers of happiness that don’t deliver. Happiness is a black box - the more we pursue it, the more we realize we lack it. Happiness can be discovered, but it cannot be designed. Weightless moments, however, can be designed. Weightlessness Training will teach you to identify burdens that inhibit you from approaching each day your most focused, integrated, and passion-filled self:
- Stiffness
- Heaviness
- Distractedness
- Disconnection
- Stress & Anxiety
...and should you accept the personal challenge to do that hard work and unburden yourself of them, you'll feel weightless - marked by senses of freedom, presence, and personal power.
The Weightlessness Process
The Next Program Launch | Updates Coming Soon
| 12-Week Mind-Body Transformation Program |
Join a cohort of switched-on individuals hell-bent on personal transformation. In each phase of the program you'll:
- Transform your body
- Unburden your mind
- Integrate body & mind to revolutionize passion, purpose, and performance in the here and now.
Are you weightless?
Subscribe & Get Your FREE Manifesto
Tom Fazio's Weightlessness Manifesto distills the spectrum of key tools and principles that lead to optimal mind-body performance – the essences of nutrition for peak health, strength training, flexibility, mental freedom and energy development.
View More Testimonials
Michael P. | Venture Builder
As an entrepreneur I have learned that nothing happens when you're comfortable and at ease. I believe that most, if not all, great leaps forward are forged in turmoil. With Weightlessness Training I have never seen faster fitness results and certainly never been challenged as much. Tom's approach is devoid of hot air and six-minute abs nonsense. He goes well beyond the pure basics of mind and body fitness. He aims not only to restore mental and physical health and balance, but also to lay a foundation for awesome living by top-tuning your most precious resources. The pursuit of Weightlessness is by far the most meaningful conviction I have come across in my life.
Amena S. | Innovator & Founder @ Untapped Lab
As a long-time student of mind-body practices, this is hands down the smartest system I’ve come across. Tom cuts out all the dogma, all the excess, all the fluff, and elegantly weaves together a philosophy and protocol that will train you in deep, essential ways. The training itself tested my levels of commitment, fortitude, and adaptability; and the self-study made me a better, more present thinker. If you’re looking for some next level shit to invest in yourself, look no further. I’ve even parked yoga and done Weightlessness programs five times — it IS my yoga and a new way of approaching life. Weightlessness is the future of mind-body peak performance.
Lindsay D. | Performance Coach
I'm so grateful for whatever synchronistic force led me to the Weightlessness Process and working with Tom. On one level, I thought that I was getting into a process that would help me synthesize and organize my own knowledge and skills into greater effectiveness. I did get that - but much more. I'm fundamentally different in how I approach challenges and discomfort in life. I am far better able to self-regulate my thoughts and emotions (and I thought I was pretty good before!). I'm able to be open and present to what is actually happening in life, and choose how to better bring skillful focus, follow-through, flexibility or sensitivity for whatever response is needed most. I can't wait to continue going deeper into Weightlessness and beyond. Read Lindsay's Full Testimonial Here!
"This is the grand paradox of Weightlessness:
We must add weight to unburden."
- The Essence of Lightness -