Testimonials Uncut
Lindsay D.
I'm so grateful for whatever synchronistic force led me to the Weightlessness Process and working with Tom. When I enrolled, I had already devoured all of Tom's books - including his children's book Here Now Breathe (phenomenal reading for adults, too!).
Before reading his books, I thought I was the only professional (or at least in a significant minority) in the personal development and peak performance world who didn't accept the paradigm that our two choices of higher potential meant either mindlessly buckling down and "trying harder" or watering down the game so it's comfy, easy but not that inspiring. It seemed like one camp is set on "grinding" being the way. The other camp is set on "flowing" being the way. But, what if we could bring the power and effectiveness of "grind" with the agility, sensitivity, and inner ease of "flow"? I knew there had to be something deeper - a way of developing a greater actual, tangible capacity to handle hard - maybe even impossible things without all of the unnecessary tension. This is that way.
On one level, I thought that I was getting into a process that would help me synthesize and organize my own knowledge and skills into greater effectiveness. I did get that - but much more. The Weightlessness Process had me challenging what I thought I knew and deepening the application to my own life transformation, body and mind. I was surprised to realize some of my deeper patterns had me previously (and consistently) feeling powerless and unable to trust my own body - and to find the way through them into breakthroughs I never thought I'd have. The change has been measurable, observable, and undeniable. The process is both simple yet endless in its scope and depth - and Tom is a brilliant, sincere, and direct leader throughout. You know that he is an experienced master at his craft.
During one of the Tribe meetings, Tom presented two vehicles: a Ford pinto... good for grocery-getting, and an aftermarket off-road SUV. He used these two vehicles as a metaphor for what it really means to "upgrade" the operating system through the Weightlessness Process. I can't think of a better way to describe my own growth. I'm fundamentally different in how I approach challenges and discomfort in life. I am far better able to self-regulate my thoughts and emotions (and I thought I was pretty good before!), and I'm able to be open and present to what is actually happening in life, and choose how to better bring skillful focus, follow-through, flexibility or sensitivity for whatever response is needed most. When the Tribe ended, there was a part of me that feared sliding back into previous defaults and losing all the progress. I'm elated to say, that hasn't happened at all. I have found what works for my mind and body.
I'm grateful and honored to be a part of Tribe 12 and I can't wait to continue going deeper into Weightlessness and beyond.
Sarah A.
There’s no shortage of personal development programs out there. I’ve done quite a few. Most programs focus on either the mind or the body. If both are addressed, they are treated as separate domains with no integration or practical application in daily life.
Weightlessness goes far above and beyond a typical mind/body program. During this time of mind/body development, I learned to appreciate that gaining strength isn’t just a series of gym workouts, and gaining flexibility isn’t just about stretching and meditating. Weightlessness taught me that strength comes from adding tension and stress to the body while focusing the mind. Flexibility comes from releasing tension and stress from both body and mind. This is a continuous conversation that happens subconsciously and leads to true mind/body integration. This takes persistence and dedication and cannot be hacked. There are no shortcuts.
My journey started with the physical gains: I decreased my 1-kilometer run time by 3 minutes, increased my push-ups from 5 to 30, and became 20 pounds lighter... in less than 12 weeks. Then, there were the emotional gains. I found peace and mental clarity amidst deeply buried traumatic memories and learned how to deal with life’s chaos and volatility.
The tools of Weightlessness served me especially well 8 weeks into the program when I had to be deployed with very little notice to New York City during the coronavirus pandemic as a public health physician. I managed to stay engaged with the program and finished strong despite all the challenges of being deployed during the pandemic.
Most importantly, I became aware through meditation and the process of self-inquiry that in every moment of every day, I have the freedom to unburden myself and choose Weightlessness.
Ultimately, Weightlessness is a choice to be made over and over again.
Morten L.
My latest tribe was truly awesome. This wasn’t my first time through The Process, but the outcomes and insights this time vastly exceeded those prior. I was challenged and pushed on all vectors - nutrition, strength, and meditation - but it really paid off. I lost about 18 kgs (40lbs) in these 12 weeks, and I’m now at my ideal weight for the first time in 20 years.
Additionally, I ran my first 4-minute kilometer, which was extremely rewarding (and levels above my previous performance), along with deadlifting my bodyweight. Both gave me an enormous boost in personal confidence.
The insights and self-awareness gained from meditation were transformative, something I never would have expected. I would recommend this to anybody, but... It’s something you don’t do on holiday. You’ve got to be mentally engaged and committed. Good luck!Maddy F.
I first reached out to Tom after reading “In Pursuit of Weightlessness.” In that book he told stories of helping people heal from injuries, so I asked if he could help me heal from mine.
I got seriously injured while serving in the United States Army. After 8 hours in surgery and 9 months in physical therapy, I gradually learned to walk again, but it ended my military career. I was excited when Tom let me into the Weightlessness program. It was honestly a dream come true!
With the Weightlessness Process and Tom’s guidance I made huge progress. After three months in the program, I can run again, even better than I could before my injury. I gained my self-confidence back. I learned to trust in my body’s ability to perform again.
If you want to heal; If you want to reconnect mind and body; If you want your own epic anime transformation, reach out to Tom and join a Weightlessness Tribe.